Дождливым летом 2000-го года двое сотрудников ФТИ были приглашены в Токио на Первый Японо-российский форум по высоким технологиям с "приглашенными" докладами (см. статью "Великий форум" Японии и России" в Окне в Микромир, №1, 2000).



Японцы демонстрировали нам замечательные образцы новейшей техники. С особой гордостью ими была продемонстрирована в токийском представительстве фирмы PANASONIC электронная система жилища будущего, названная авторами "HII", что расшифровывалось как Home Information Infrastructure. Этой многокомнатной квартире со стеклянными стенами авторы придавали особое значение и предрекали ей особую роль в дальнейшем развитии информатики и электронной техники. И не только. Речь шла о радикальном преображении человеческого быта, с одной стороны, и о выходе промышленности на новый виток расширения производства персональных компьютеров, с другой, да и о научно-техническом прогрессе вообще.

Как тут было не вспомнить о событиях конца 60-х - начала 70-х в Советском Союзе, когда аналогичная идея была – тоже в разовом порядке – осуществлена и продемонстрирована в работе на Всесоюзной выставке достижений электроники (проспект Вернадского, Москва, апрель 1970 г.). Устройство было названо авторами ДИМ, или же Домашняя Информационная Машина, т.е. HIM, Home Information Machine, сравните с "HII".


Стоит ли подчеркивать, что происходило это задолго до появления персонального компьютера и Интернета, хотя содержало многие черты и того и другого, вместе взятых? Было получено на эту тему авторское свидетельство с приоритетом от 5 января 1971г. (А/с №375640, "Радиокомплекс", Р.П. Сейсян, М.Л. Выдревич, Б.Я. Смирнов и Ю.К. Якимов). А  №1 журнала "Электронная промышленность" в 1972 г. (стр. 28-32) опубликовал статью Р.П. Сейсяна и М.Л. Выдревича "Что такое ДИМ?".



We have found possible to place here a little bit reduced translation of the Russion version of the original paper in Russian [«Electronnaya promyshlennost’», vol. 27, №1, 1972, p.28-31] into English executed by J.E.Kitaev and S.Markov to make it accessible to some English-speaking readers, in particular, to  HII (Home Information Infrastructure)’s authors.




R.P. Seisyan, M.L. Vydrevich


By 1963, the global fund of printed production accumulated for the whole history of science has exceeded 108 items. Since then, not less than 5×104 of books and 8×104 of magazines appear annually [1]. In 1968, about 3×108 copies of newspapers, 4.5×108 receivers and 1.5×108 TV distributed information daily to the world population [2]. Nevertheless, a shortage of selected information chosen from the large flow and dispatched up to a consumer in a concentrated rational form is felt.


An extremely fast growth of a bank of the saved knowledge exceeds in its rates all known processes of public development. Not without reason present stage of the development of mass media is named as "the fourth revolution", comparing it on the importance and social consequences with origin of language, appearance of written language and invention of the book-printing. A simple expansion of information network channels, increase of printed production etc., unfortunately, do not solve the problem, since the ways of search and primary processing of necessary information become more and more sophisticated. However, already now there are strong grounds for believing that in relation with intensive development of electronics, automatics and computer facilities an opportunity of wide use of devices of automated search, processing and storing of the information shortly will appear before long.

Will pass several years and the home information machine become the same habitual subject of a life what watches, telephone, tape recorder, record-player etc. are now.


To understand a history of occurrence of creation idea of the home information machine, we shall afford a small digression in the recent past of electronics.


As known, an advantage of integrated circuits brought forth a necessity of a complete reconsideration of traditional "discrete" electronics and the principles of designing of the electron equipment. It is necessary to take into account, that the less are IC element sizes at a given functional complexity, the higher is economic benefit received from introduction of IC's. On the other hand, the assignment of a number of components and units of traditional electronics is those that its miniaturization can turn out inexpedient or even absurd. Therefore, in radio and television equipment, independent units and blocks are classified not only functional but also technological properties.


Such a design enables to replace blocks in case of malfunction and supposes updating any of them independently. The functionality of a traditional TV set can be considerably extended by the use of increased integration-level ICs. So, for example, inserting into a block of microcircuits the ICs of a sign generator as well as operative memory, driving and synchronization devices, it is possible to receive on the screen a text or sign display of the information coming from the board of management and the RAM.


The home information machine is intended for work in an independent mode, and at presence of the organized cable network, as the peripheral information unit being the lowest part of the large automated information system, constructed according to hierarchical structure. The entrance device serving for communication with radio and television channels, broadcasting and TV lines, provides switching of information channels and carries out primary processing of the received signals. Automated programmer serves for the management of the home information machine under the given temporary program. It consists of the specifying generator, frequency divider and executive devices.



For the experimental television receiver, a block design is chosen. The block which carrying out the functions of transformation and preliminary amplification of signals, as well as display synchronization, is assembled from 12 integrated circuits. In the same block, the bodies of control and adjustment of the television receiver are concentrated. The TV tube, the loudspeaker, and the feed voltage source are represented by separate blocks. The logics of development of a block design of the TV set with application of ICs has resulted into an idea of creation of the home information machine (HIM) representing a set of means of search, storage and display a sign, audio and video information. The essentially new properties HIM result from the inclusion in it of the operative and constant memory in the logic block, multi channel universal information accumulator and universal control board.


The keyboard is intended for manual management of an information system. Such a board should solve a wide circle of tasks of control and coding of the required or written down information. With the help of keys, the address of necessary service provided with any functional block of an information system is typed.


The logic block serves for an imaging of the alphabetic or digital information on the screen. Sign generator is represented by a constant memory on the diode matrixes. A row wise deviation of a beam is used. The unlocking of a TV tube beam occurs only in those points, which form the chosen sign. The control and synchronization circuits provide synchronism of interrogation of a ROM matrix, and switching of a TV tube beam.


The operative memory is intended for storing the entrance information subject to subsequent imaging on the screen. The memory volume is determined by the amount of sign information, imaging in one TV frame scan. For imaging of 800 marks in one frame scan, the RAM volume should contain 5600 bits. The design of the RAMs on the shift registers provides an opportunity of escalating of memory up to volume necessary for imaging on the frame of many marks.

An opportunity of coinciding of the considered sign information imaging system with one of the video information reproduction, and opportunity of  reception on the screen both positive, and negative images of the sign information is stipulated. For reproduction of the information can be used TV tube, laser screen, holographic screen and any technical means allowing receiving black-and-white or the color image the information.


The multi channel universal store of the information, one of the most complex and problematic blocks, should be designed for large volume of sound, code and video information, and the time of the automated search on a code should not exceed several seconds. It is necessary to take into account, that each second of the television program in view of high quality of the image is estimated approximately in 106÷107 bits of the information, and the half-hour program contains 1010÷1011 bits that is equivalent of storing of 1000 volumes until 300 pages in everyone of the textual information. At existing now tape or disk stores, the volume of sign information can be not less than 107 signs. This means that the volume of the audio programs can be not less than 200 hours, video programs not less than 20 hours.


The HIM development puts on agenda a question on application of semi-conductor matrixes as textual cartridges of the read-only memory allowing carrying out record and storage of short, but frequently used information. In such cartridges, as in a notebook, it is possible to keep the purely personal information, frequently used phone numbers, and various rules, including the rule of the manipulation with the home information machine. Electronic "library" from the read-only memory based on diode and MOS matrixes, on CCD devices, on magnetic domains ones etc. could be collected in parts for a long time.


The peripheral information devices (user's HIM) allow establishing bilateral wire communication with information storages. Thus, rational and accessible search language for information card files becomes to be necessary [3]. Each peripheral device should have its own number, similar to a telephone one.

The communication within the limits of a large information system will be carried out through regional and central switchboards.


Let us consider some essentially new information tasks solvable by the home information machine with the multi channel universal information accumulator and bilateral communication line. The complete or reduced texts of printed works and frequently used reference data, educational programs can be kept in the multi channel universal information accumulator and reproduced on the screen by a call of the subscriber. The updating of the texts and reference data can be fulfilled by telephone or a special channel with central (or regional) information item, and from any other peripheral device. The data input in the accumulator is realized through the control desk. The information kept in the memory of HIM by an appropriate set of keys can be transferred automatically through regional or central switchboards by communication channel in central and regional data storage or in the memory of other peripheral device to appropriate user's number. Similarly, it is possible to register telephone calls in the case of absence of the subscriber, writing down the necessary information in the memory of the machine connected to the communication line, to reproduce it then, having connected HIM to radio, or television channel. The choice of the program, kept in the store, can be carried out automatically through the control desk or automated programmer. In the multi channel store, the various sorts of the educational programs, advertising and information messages, as well as radio and television programs can be preserved. The memory of stores will be capable to keep significant volume of video and audio information.


Central and regional storages are expedient to use for mathematical accounts, drawing up of the estimates, taking of the electric meter readings for the centralized computer processing. It is possible to carry out automatic transfer by digital codes of the distress signals, fire and robbery ones using communication lines.


From this still not complete list of tasks, one can judge how wide would be the application of the developed system in a personal life. The block performance of the machine will allow steadily increasing of its functionalities depending on the showed requirements.


The home information machine is a functionally complex electronic device. It is possible to expect that a cost of an electronic part of a HIM, in spite of a relative complexity of the circuit, will not exceed the cost of similar electronic units incorporated into a complex. It will be reduced systematically in connection with the constant tendency to reduce a price of ICs, and also with improvement of a HIM design.


As a result of organization of HIM mass production and creation of a wide information network, the time of search and processing of the information will considerably decrease, the system of the business relations will be simplified, the plenty of paper and consequently, of such a valuable raw material as wood, will be saved, the polygraph manufacturing will be reduced.


For creation of an information complex, there is no necessity to solve any essentially new technical tasks. Creation of VLSI, optoelectronics devices, and also the successes in the field of magnetic and optical record of the information are the preconditions that, in the coming decades, HIM will strongly enter into our life.


HIM can be used in the large automated information system as a peripheral device. The basic links of the system should become central and regional information stores, capable to keep the large files of the information and working in a mode with division of time. The basic information material should be kept in devices of long-term memory.




1.      Nalimov V.V. Science-measurement, M., "Science", 1969.

2.      Sukhotin A. A science and information, M., "Mysl'", 1971.

3.      Kurbakov K.I. Coding and search in the automatic dictionary. M., "Energy", 1968.







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